

2.不要计较你和他人间微不足道的一些小事;不要让这 种小事变成争议,大人物从不计较不重要的事情。

Ignore trivial circumstances in your relations with others;do not let them bee controversies。

Big people kook past small slights。

3.每天应做的第一件事,就是运用建立积极心态的技巧 控制你的思绪,并且整天都要保持积极心态。

Establish control of your mind at the start of each day;using the techniques for building a positive mental attitude。

Maintain that attitude throughout the day。

4.学习间接推销自己的方法,要运用说服和楷模的方 法,而不要强迫推销。

Learn the art of selling yourself indirectly;by persuasion and example rather than by the hard sell。


Develop a hearty laugh as a means to release anger。

6.分析你所失败的事例,并找出失败的原因,在不如意 时应寻求等值的正面回报。

Analyze all your setbacks and determine their causes。

Discover the seed of equivalent benefit in each circumstance。


的层面上,除非你真的面临 “办不到”



的 心态,在此之前就已经指引你迈向成功的途径。

Concentrate your mind on the can…do portion of the tasks you face。

Dont worry about the cannot…do portion unless and until you meet it face…to…face。

By that time the can…do portion will have shown you the way to success。



Turn all unpleasant circumstances into opportunities for positive action。

Make this an automatic habit;and your success will multiply。


当你无法完全得到你 想要得到的东西时,应先对自己做更多的了解,以期自己收获 更丰。

Remember that no one can win all of the time;no matter how much he deserves it。

When you do not get exactly what you wanted maximize your gain by increasing your understanding of yourself。

10.把生命看成是不断学习的过程,即使是不好的经验 也具有正面的学习意义。

Look on life as a continuing learning process;and even bad experiences will bee good ones。

11.记住,你表现出来的思想将会加倍回馈到你的身上, 故必须控制你的思想并确定,你所表现出来的就是你希望从它那里得到回馈的思想。

Remember that every thought you release es back to you multiplied in its effect。

Monitor your thoughts;and make sure you send out only those whose fruits you are willing to receive。


Avoid associates with negative mental attitudes。

Their attitudes will rub off on you and poison every effort you engage in。



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